Wednesday, May 12, 2010

King's Chapel Choir Spring Tour: Day 4

After six long hours of driving we were very happy to drive through the Gates of Groton School, about an hour west of Boston. Groton is famous for it's ties to the White House (Theodore Roosevelt graduated from Groton in 1900 and the school walls boast framed letters from every American President). We were greeted warmly by choir master Michael Smith, a former Yale organ scholar for Joyful Noise. We had full access to the campus, from the beautiful Nashua river (where a few choristers took a night time dip) to the unique dinning hall (strings of chinese parasols hung from it's azure-colored roof) where we had all our meals with the staff and students (Groton definitely has our vote for best food yet of the tour!) We all remarked that we immediately felt at ease at Groton, despite the grandeur of its classical architecture, it's history and the magnificence of its chapel (about the same size as St. Mary's Basilica in Halifax) because of their friendly hospitality.

After lunch we rehearsed two pieces, Beati Quorum Via and I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me with Michael Smith and the Groton School Choir. The excellence of the music program at Groton was evident in the young choristers, who clearly loved singing, were good at it and who were excited to sing with us.

Later that evening, we sang an hour long concert for the school and the local community. We were hosted by billets from the parish of St Andrew's church in nearby Ayer. The parishoners were wonderful hosts who gave us insight into to the community around Groton and some of its history (there is even a connection between Groton and Nova Scotia, as militia from Groton were sent up the help with the so called "Acadian Clearings"). Alumnus Kathleen Callahan was able to come to the performance with her mom, and the two are pictured below with chorister Elizabeth Kleven.

With full bellies and grateful hearts we took leave of our kind Groton hosts, inviting them to come up to NS for a visit, and we hit the road in search of some rest.

Written by the King's Chapel Choir
All photos by Shannon Parker

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